Friday, May 2, 2014

Grandmother's Heirlooms

The 29th of April was my grandmother's 80th birthday. She is and will always be one of the most, if not, the most influential woman in my life. She has taught me the value of hard work, the benefits of forgiveness, and how to love unconditionally. She has been my shoulder to cry on, my confidant, and my best friend. A couple of years ago she was diagnosed with Alzheimer's, and her memory has slowly declined ever since. She has her good and bad days, but it always makes my day, when she can remember who I am. She has given me a plethora of gifts through out the years, but one of the most favorite gifts she has ever given me (aside from what she has taught me), is the gift of gardening. I love to "dig" in the dirt, to let the earth slip between my fingers, to plant something that is so plain and small, and watch it become something so beautiful. This is truly an amazing gift. These Bearded Irises, once belonged to her, perhaps even had her hands on them. They were given to my mother, split, and given to me. It is something I will be able to cherish and remember, even after her physical being is gone. It is something I hope to pass on. They are her Heirlooms.

Canon EOS Rebel T3i
Focal Lenght: 55mm
ISO: 800

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